
Circular economy and environment

Environmental sustainability is the most widespread expression today, so much is said about it, but is really a challenge concretely achieving it.
Pack Co proposes itself as a partner for the design and development of packaging solutions in line with the objectives of the
Circular Economy and SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) .

The principles of Eco Design

Designing according to the principles of Eco Design makes it possible to adopt a more systemic design approach, through the design of the life cycle of the products, with the aim of minimizing environmental impacts, from the extraction of raw materials to the valorization at the end of life at the same level of service / product offered (functional unit).

Pack Co offers services and technical support related to:

  resource prevention
  optimization of packaging materials
  assessment of suitability with existing recycling process
  material value chain and closed loop
  drafting of environmental labeling

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